Earlier this month, my mom sent me an amazing article. It was so moving that I wrote to the author.
The article is by award winning columnist, Saralee Perel. Her dog, Gracie, has cared for Saralee ever since Saralee's spinal cord injury six years ago. Gracie has taken on this selfless task without any training or direction from anyone. The full article entitled:
"Someone To Watch Over Me" can be read at Cape Cod Times. It will make your cry. I encourage you to read it. there is a photo of Gracie with the article.
Saralee Perel kindly responded that, Gracie still cares for her. She added that, at the encouragement of her agent, Saralee is currently writing a book about Gracie.
Saralee has a new article:
"Learning about Eddie" , about her cat. It, too, is a tear jerker. There is a photo of Eddie with the article.
Saralee Perel is originally from Baltimore and remembers Catonsville.
Thank you Saralee, for your kind email and your wonderful stories.